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Mathematical Books, Games and Apps
Helpful Sudoku (Freeware)
Mathematicians Don't Work With Numbers

Now available on Springer Link.

The First Seven Days
Limits and Continuity: Bridging the Gap between Algebra and Calculus

Now available on

Calculus is often called Infinitesimal Calculus, even when it is developed using limits and there are no infinitesimals. The historical confusion between the two formulations is finally untangled.

These seven chapters can be covered in seven lectures in a formal course or in seven sessions for self-instruction.

The opening chapter "All the Preliminaries" lays the groundwork for the rest of the book.

The next chapters. "What is the Problem?" and "Developing a New Intuition", make plain the mathematical obstacles that caused a two- century delay between the invention of calculus and the first rigorous formulation of the subject.

The succeeding chapters, "Limits: A First Attempt at Rigor" and "Limits: Rigor That Works" show why the more obvious definition does not work and why the modern definition solves that problem.

The final chapters, "Continuity: The Key to Everything" and "Derivatives: Putting It All Together", launch the student into calculus with a solid understanding of the limit-based formulation and how it differs from the infinitesimal-based formulation.
Helpful Sudoku for Windows
The easiest Sudoku of them all.

This game is freeware. Download the Windows installer
The following freeware programs are available in one zip file.
Explore Chaos Theory
Freeware Program Chaos comes with documentation.
Morley's Theorem
Freeware program Morley needs no documentation. Just try it!
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